Bootstrap file input

Bootstrap file input plugin enhances the HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x into an advanced widget with file preview for various files, multiple selection and more. The plugin enhances these concepts and simplifies the widget initialization with simple HTML markup on a file input. It offers support for previewing a wide variety of files i.e. images, text, html, video, audio, flash, and objects.

Automatically convert a file input to a bootstrap file input widget by setting its class as file-input.
Automatically convert a file input to a bootstrap file input widget by setting its class as file-input.
Hide file preview thumbnails.
Use file input attributes (e.g. multiple upload) for setting input behavior and data attributes to control plugin options. For example, hide/show display of upload button and caption.
Set the file input widget to be readonly or disabled.
Hide the caption and display widget with only buttons.
Large file input
Default file input
Small file input
Mini file input
Large file input button
Default file input button
Small file input button
Mini file input button
Show only image files for selection & preview. Control button labels, styles, and icons for the browse, upload, and remove buttons.
Advanced customization using templates. For example, change position of buttons from right to left.
Allow only specific file extensions. In this example only jpg, gif, png and txt extensions are allowed.
Allow only image and video file types to be uploaded. You can configure the condition for validating the file types using `fileTypeتنظیمات`.
Set maximum file upload size to 100 KB. Display preview on load with preset files/images and captions with overwriteInitial set to false. So the initial preview is always displayed when additional files are overwritten (useful for multiple upload) scenario.
Display preview on load with preset files/images and captions with overwriteInitial set to true.
Display the widget as a single block button.

Using plugin methods to alter input at runtime. For example, click the Modify button to disable the plugin and change plugin options..
This scenario uses asynchronous/parallel uploads. Uploading itself is turned off in live preview.