Daterange picker

This date range picker component for Bootstrap creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates. If invoked with no options, it will present two calendars to choose a start and end date from. Optionally, you can provide a list of date ranges the user can select from instead of choosing dates from the calendars.

Pick-a-Date picker

Pickadate.js is a very powerful, mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker. The basic setup requires targetting an input element and invoking the picker. Basically this plugin includes 2 main parts: date picker and time picker. Time picker examples demonstrated below.

Basic options

The basic setup requires targetting an input element and invoking the picker.


Change the month and weekday labels as you find suitable.


Change the text or hide a button completely by passing a false-y value.


Display a human-friendly format and use an alternate one to submit to the server.

Year selector

You can also specify the number of years to show in the dropdown using an even integer.

First weekday

The first day of the week can be set to either Sunday or دوشنبه.

Date limits

Set the minimum and maximum selectable dates on the picker.

Accessibility labels

Change the title attributes to several elements within the picker

Editable input

By default, typing into the input is disabled by giving it a readOnly attribute.

Dropdown selectors

Display select menus to pick the month and year.


The picker supports translations for 39 languages, available out of the box.

Disable ranges

Enable dates that fall within a range of disabled dates by adding the inverted parameter.


Fire off events as the user interacts with the picker.

Disable dates

Disable a specific or arbitrary set of dates selectable on the picker.

Pick-a-Time time picker
Basic options

The basic setup requires targetting an input element and invoking the picke.r

Clear button

Change the text or hide the button completely by passing a false-y value.

Timepicker formats

Display a human-friendly label and input format and use an alternate one to submit.

Send the hidden value only

Sometimes the value that needs to be sent to the server is just the hidden value – and not the visible one.

Time limits

Set the minimum and maximum selectable times on the picker.

Using integers as hours

Set the minimum and maximum selectable times on the picker using integers as hours.

Disable times

Disable a specific or arbitrary set of times selectable on the picker

Disabling ranges

Enable times that fall within a range of disabled times by adding the inverted parameter.

Editable input

By default, text input has a readOnly attribute to hide virtual keyboards on touch devices.

Timepicker events

Fire off events as the user interacts with the picker

Disabling all with exeptions

Enable only a specific or arbitrary set of times by setting true as the first item in the collection.

Timepicker intervals

Choose the minutes interval between each time in the list.

Anytime pickers

The Any+Time™ JavaScript Library includes a highly-customizable, jQuery-compatible datepicker/ timepicker (calendar/ clock widget) and a powerful Date/String parse/format utility. Anytime allows you to create a date/time picker with advanced features and options not found in other calendar/clock widgets, also to format dates and times in different ways.

Basic usage

Basic text field specifies that the week begins with دوشنبه.

Month and day

Month and day only picker format

Time picker

Current example displays hours and minutes only. Seconds can be added via plugin options.

Display hours only

Current example demonstrates simple time picker with hours only in AM/PM format.

Date and time pickers

The first field specifies that the week begins with دوشنبه. The second field demonstrates a time picker.

Custom display format

Custom display format can be specified via plugin options

Numeric date

Current example demonstrates custom DD/MM/YYYY date format

Date range

In the following example, AnyTime.Converter and jQuery work together to provide date-range selection. The value for the second ("Finish") field must be at least one day after the date in the first ("Start") field, but no more than 90 days later.

On-Demand Picker

The following example shows how to create a field that initially does not have a picker, followed by a button that creates a picker for the field. This would be useful if you want to allow manual entry into the field, but it does not prevent the user from entering a value in the wrong format.

Format must be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS