Basic accordion Basic accordion functionality
Accordion with controls Using panel controls, except collapse
Left control icon Using left
aligned control icon
Right control icon Using right
aligned control icon
Panels styling Using different panel styles
Basic collapsible Basic collapsible functionality
Collapsible with controls Using all panel controls, except collapse
Left control icon Using left
aligned control icon
Right control icon Using right
aligned control icon
Panels styling Using different panel styles
Basic usage
List group is a flexible and powerful component for displaying not only simple lists of elements, but complex ones with custom content. The most basic list group is simply an unordered list with list items, and the proper classes. To use linked list group items, add anchor tags instead of list items (that also means a parent <div>
instead of an <ul>
Basic list group
- List header
- Sheared coasted so concurrent
- Goodness instead gull vulture
- Relentless ouch essentially
- Devilish yellow unsafe jerkily
Linked items
Contextual classes
Example of list items contextual
classes. Depending on the context, you can highlight a specific list group item using available contextual classes: danger
, success
, warning
and info
. To use, add .list-group-item-*
class to the base .list-group-item
class. Also you can add .active
class to highlight active list item. Custom colors are also supported.
List item colors
- Success context
- Sheared coasted so concurrent
- Info context
- Relentless ouch essentially
- Warning context
- Negatively far essential much
- Danger context
- Into darn intrepid belated
Linked list item colors
List group elements
Examples of group list elements
. You can add badges, labels and icons to any list group item. Depending on a placement of the component, it will appear before
, after
or will be positioned on the right
of the list item. To use right positioned element, simply add .pull-right
helper class to it. Dropdown menus are also supported.
آیکون ها in list group
- Group header
- And hello exotic staunch
- That and well ecstatically
- Sheared coasted so concurrent
- Into darn intrepid belated
آیکون ها in list group
- 93 And hello exotic staunch
- 73 That and well ecstatically
- Sheared coasted so concurrent New
- Into darn intrepid belated Resolved
آیکون ها in linked list group
Badges in linked list group
Custom content
Simple example of a custom
content in the list group component. You can add nearly any HTML markup, add images, custom elements and colors to the list group item. Example below demonstrates a simple content with title
and text
. For proper styling, heading must contain .list-group-item-heading
class and content must have .list-group-item-text
Custom content
Leapt so heedlessly
Haltered disconsolate cocky grizzly rode said oh outgrew patiently wild empirically near this and a alas some more
Black where yikes
This and shivered wow boa yikes additional much one lavish gasped outside amongst jeez scurrilously and octopus
Gecko preparatory
Insincere dipped flauntingly yikes therefore or more clenched but beneath krill before dear however
Parrot slid wow
Gosh plankton thus egotistically alas satisfactorily flatly towards and far therefore oh drove convenient less
Custom linked content
Leapt so heedlessly
Haltered disconsolate cocky grizzly rode said oh outgrew patiently wild empirically near this and a alas some more
Black where yikes
This and shivered wow boa yikes additional much one lavish gasped outside amongst jeez scurrilously and octopus
Gecko preparatory
Insincere dipped flauntingly yikes therefore or more clenched but beneath krill before dear however
Parrot slid wow
Gosh plankton thus egotistically alas satisfactorily flatly towards and far therefore oh drove convenient less