Footer layouts Different styling options
Default footer
Default panel footer styling
Condensed footer
Panel footer with smaller vertical spacing
Transparent footer
Transparent panel footer
Bordered footer
Panel footer with top border
Basic elements Just a mix of basic elements
Panel title
Panel footer with plain text
Panel title
Panel footer text with left icon
Panel title
Panel footer with simple inline list
Panel title
Panel footer with single label
Panel title
Panel footer with left aligned status mark
Panel title
Panel footer with pagination
Panel title
Panel footer with simple link
Panel title
Panel footer text with right icon
Panel title
Panel footer with bullet inline list
Panel title
Panel footer with single badge
Panel title
Panel footer with right aligned status mark
Panel title
Panel footer with pager
Panel footer thumbnails Single and thumbnail groups
Panel title
Panel footer with single thumbnail
Panel title
Panel footer with thumbnail group
Panel title
Panel footer thumbnail with badge
Panel title
Panel footer with single linked thumbnail
Panel title
Panel footer with linked thumbnail group
Panel title
Panel footer thumbnail with status mark
Footer icons Single and multiple icons
Panel title
Panel footer with single icon
Panel title
Panel footer with multiple icons set
Panel title
Panel footer with single icon dropdown
Panel title
Panel footer with multiple icon and dropdown menu
اجزای فرم A set of different form elements
Panel title
Single checkbox. Available in both directions
Panel title
Footer with group of inline checkboxes
Panel title
Switchery toggle. Available in all styles
Panel title
Footer with basic text input field
Panel title
Panel footer with styled file input field
Panel title
Single radio. Available in both directions
Panel title
Footer with group of inline radios
Panel title
Panel footer with Bootstrap toggle switch
Panel title
Input field and icon feedback
Panel title
Footer with Touchspin input group spinner
Select menus Different select options
Panel title
Panel footer with basic select
Panel title
Panel footer with SelectBoxIt select
Panel title
Footer with single multiselect
Panel title
Panel footer with Select2 select
Panel title
Panel footer with Bootstrap custom select
Panel title
Footer with multiple select
Footer buttons Basic buttons with options
Panel title
Footer with basic button. Available in 3 smallest sizes
Panel title
Footer with single button dropdown menu
Panel title
Panel footer with segmented button
Panel title
Footer with multiple buttons
Panel title
Panel footer with single icon button
Panel title
Panel footer with icon button dropdown
Panel title
Panel footer with segmented icon button
Panel title
Panel footer with multiple icon buttons
Other elements Other panel heading elements
Panel title
This is the first panel tab content
This is the second panel tab content
This is the third panel tab content
This is the fourth panel tab content
Panel title
Panel footer with progress bar. Available in all sizes
Panel title
Footer with jQuery UI slider. Available in all sizes
Panel title
This is the first panel pill content
This is the second panel pill content
This is the third panel pill content
This is the fourth panel pill content
Panel title
Panel footer with breadcrumbs.پشتیبانیs all available breadcrumb options
Panel title
Panel footer with NoUI slider. Available in all sizes
Mixing elements Different element variations
Panel title
Mixing input field with button
Panel title
Mixing checkbox with label and icon dropdown
Panel title
Mixing switchery toggle and simple single button
Panel title
Mixing label and segmented button dropdown
Panel title
Mixing spinner and progress bar
Panel title
Mixing spinner icon, label and icon list group