Example of languages that can be set after init
. Basically, direct language switching is based on this option: i18next library sets the language based on user navigator on init, this language can be changed to any available language after initinalization by calling i18n.setLng(...)
function. Since i18next uses cookies by default, after page reload you'll see the language that you've selected before reload.
Set language after init:
Example markup:
<!-- Basic markup -->
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
<a class="english">
<img src="assets/images/flags/gb.png" alt=""> انگلیسی
<a class="ukrainian">
<img src="assets/images/flags/ua.png" alt=""> Ukrainian
JS code example:
/* Set init options */
}, function () {
$('body').i18n(); // Run translation
// Set language after init
$('.ukrainian').on('click', function() {
i18n.setLng('ua', function() {
بین المللی کردن
and localization
are means of adapting web applications to different languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market. بین المللی کردن
is the process of designing an application so that it can potentially be adapted to various languages and regions. Localization
is the process of adapting internationalized application for a specific region or language by adding locale-specific components and translating text. Framework template uses i18next
library for internationalization and localization.
اصلی i18next benefits:
- Support of variables
- Support of nesting
- Support of context
- Support of multiple plural forms
- Gettext support
- Sprintf support
- Detect language
- Graceful translation lookup
- Custom post processing
- Post missing resources to server
- Resource caching in browser
- Fetch resources from server
Basic usage
i18next is a full-featured i18n javascript library for translating your web application. By default, Framework template supports language switching in 2 different ways, language detection according to the user navigator language and fallback languages. All plugin settings also support and use cookies by default. For demonstration purposes, main structure of this page was translated to russian, ukrainian and default english languages. You can change current language by choosing it in the dropdown menu located in top navbar.
Page markup:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="[PATH]/jquery.js" /> // optional
<script type="text/javascript" src="[PATH]/i18next.min.js" />
<ul class="navigation">
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.dash.main"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.email.main"></a></li>
<li><a href="#" data-i18n="nav.snippets.main"></a></li>
Loaded resource file (assets/locales/*.json):
"app": {
"name": "Framework template"
"nav": {
"dash": {
"main": "میز کاربریs"
"email": {
"main": "Email templates"
"snippets": {
"main": "Snippets"
Javascript code:
// Initialize i18next
resGetPath: 'assets/js/locales/__lng__.json',
debug: true,
load: 'unspecific',
fallbackLng: false
}, function (t) {
$('body').i18n(); // translate nav
// Change language on button click
$('.russian').on('click', function () {
i18n.setLng('ru', function() {
Set language on init and after init
The plugin allows you to set specified language on init
and after init
. If language is set on init, resources will be resolved in this order: 1) try languageCode plus countryCode, eg. 'en-US'
; 2) alternative look it up in languageCode only, eg. 'en'
; 3) finally look it up in definded fallback language, default: 'dev'
If language is not set explicitly, i18next tries to detect the user language by: 1) querystring parameter ?setLng=en-US
; 2) cookie; 3) language set in navigator.
On init example:
i18n.init({ lng: 'en-US' }, function(t) {
After init example:
i18n.setLng('en-US', function(t) {
detectLngQS: 'lang'
The current locale to set will be looked up in the new parameter: ?lang=en-US
. Default is ?setLng=en-US
cookieName: 'lang' // default 'i18next'
The current locale to set and looked up in the given cookie parameter.
cookieDomain: '*.mydomain.com'
Sets the cookie domain to given value.
useCookie: false
Use this only if your sure that language will be provided by the other lookup options or set programatically.
preload: ['de-DE', 'fr']
The additional languages will be preloaded on init
i18n.preload([lngs], callback)
The additional languages will be preloaded after init
by calling this function.
lngWhitelist: ['de-DE', 'de', 'fr']
Only specified languages will be allowed to load.
// Single
i18n.loadNamespace('myNamespace', function() {
// loaded
// or multiple
], function() {
// loaded
The additional namespaces will be loaded.
// Single
fallbackLng: 'en'
// or multiple
fallbackLng: ['fr', 'en']
If not set it will default to 'dev'
. If turned on, all missing key/values will be sent to this language.
fallbackLng: false
As the fallbackLng will default to 'dev'
you can turn it off by setting the option value to false
. This will prevent loading the fallbacks resource file and any futher look up of missing value inside a fallback file.
load: 'current'
If load option is set to current
i18next will load the current set language (this could be a specific (en-US) or unspecific (en) resource file).
load: 'unspecific'
If set to unspecific i18next will always load the unspecific resource file (eg. en instead of en-US).
useLocalStorage: true | false,
localStorageExpirationTime: 86400000 // in ms, default 1 week
Caching is turned off by default. If the resouces in a given language had been stored to localStorage
they won't be fetched / reloaded from online until set localStorageExpirationTime
expired. So if they had been cached once and you add new resources, they won't be reloaded until expired. But you can easily remove the values from localstorage by calling, eg.: localStorage.removeItem("res_en" )
fallbackOnNull: true | false
Default is true
fallbackOnEmpty: true | false
Default is false
debug: true
If something went wrong you might find some helpful information on console log.